Famous Quotes about belief

Andrew Solomon quote #206 from The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression

Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you dont believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future. Be brave be strong take your pills. Exercise because its good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds. Eat when food itself disgusts you. Reason with yourself when you have lost your reason.
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Andrew Levkoff quote #250 from A Mixture of Madness

Strange is it not how even those of us who scoff at divine intervention will fall to our knees and clasp our hands the moment we realize our futures are defined by uncertainty and hazard. A thoughtful man would never leave his knees. A wise man would never drop to them. In any case it wasnt really a prayer but one does like to follow convention now and then.
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Misty Edwards famous quote #80

I want to be a woman who lives totally abandoned to the first commandment to love my Lord my God with all my heart. I dont want the reputation that I love God I dont want to write songs about loving God I dont want to talk about loving God. I want to actually love God. When I close my eyes I want my heart to move. When I close my eyes and I look at Him I want to feel alive on the inside. I want to look at Him with a fire in my heart and its real.
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C.S. Lewis quote #405 from Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life

One reason why the Enemy found this so easy was that without knowing it I was already desperately anxious to get rid of my religion and that for a reason worth recording. By a sheer mistake - and I still believe it to have been an honest mistake - in spiritual technique I had rendered my private practice of that religion a quiet intolerable burden. It came about in this way. Like everyone else I had been told as a child that one must not only say ones prayers but think about what one was saying. Accordingly when I came to a serious belief I tried to put this into practice. At first it seemed plain sailing. But soon the false conscience St. Pauls Law Herberts prattler came into play. One had no sooner reached Amen than it whispered Yes. But are you sure you were really thinking about what you said then more subtly Were you for example thinking about it as well as you did last night The answer for reasons I did not then understand was nearly always No. Very well said the voice hadnt you then better try it over again And one obeyed but of course with no assurance that the second attempt would be any better...I set myself a standard. No clause of my prayer was to be allowed to pass muster unless it was accompanied by what I called a realization by which I meant a certain vivedness of the imagination and the affections. My nightly task was to produce by sheer will power a phenomenon which will power could never produce which was so ill-defined that I could never say with absolute confidence whether it had occurred and which even when it did occur was of very mediocre spiritual value.
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Peter Kreeft quote #322 from Prayer for Beginners

Prayer is essentially the practice of the presence of God and that is the road to Heaven. There is no alternative. God is the only game in town. All other roads are dead ends. Since we must give our all to the one true God we must not give any part to idols to the many false gods that now bite away at our lives.
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Michael Bassey Johnson famous quote #236

God used the element of faith to construct the earth and its inhabitants. Whatever he said it came to pass then dropped these elements in us to say whatever we want to also come to pass but sin and disbelieve has murdered the faith in us and need to be ressurected by purity and strong will power.
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #126

Stop and say something good about yourself Believe what you have just said Pray for what you have just believed Have faith for what you just prayed for Work out that faith ...and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you
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William Barrett quote #466 from The Illusion of Technique: A Search for Meaning in a Technological Civilization

Not only do I not know what I believe but also I cannot know for sure that I believe. How can I define precisely what my attitude is toward something it cannot conceivably grasp Can I be said to be in the relation of belief in any usual sense of that term toward something that I cheerfully and readily acknowledge to be absolutely incomprehensible to me... No man can be sure that he is in faith and we can say of no man with certainty that he has or does not have faith. ...Not only does faith always carry its opposite uncertainty within itself but also this faith is never a static condition that is -had- but a movement toward... And toward what In the nature of the case we cannot state this what. We cannot make a flat assertion about our faith like a simple assertion that we have blue eyes or are six feet tall. More than this the affirmation of our faith can never be made in the simple indicative mood at all. The statement I believe can only be uttered as a prayer.
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