Famous Quotes about force

Michael Bassey Johnson famous quote #236

God used the element of faith to construct the earth and its inhabitants. Whatever he said it came to pass then dropped these elements in us to say whatever we want to also come to pass but sin and disbelieve has murdered the faith in us and need to be ressurected by purity and strong will power.
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Ankur Kumar Shah famous quote #111

Dreams and Happiness are...drugs. And the pain that follows is not less than a sharp knife...or a sharp-nail. It bleeds without blood. You just feel it. With every sense you have got on every single inch of earth in every tiny part of the minute you live. It compels you to feed...yourself...
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T.F. Hodge quote #127 from From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"

The energy it took to exit mothers womb is the same force required to manifest a dream...a different kind of struggle. Push push push
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