Famous Quotes about soul

Misty Edwards famous quote #80

I want to be a woman who lives totally abandoned to the first commandment to love my Lord my God with all my heart. I dont want the reputation that I love God I dont want to write songs about loving God I dont want to talk about loving God. I want to actually love God. When I close my eyes I want my heart to move. When I close my eyes and I look at Him I want to feel alive on the inside. I want to look at Him with a fire in my heart and its real.
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Ilchi Lee quote #268 from The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart

Feel the energy starting with your hands and if you maintain the sensation of being connected to that energy as you pray you can be more deeply immersed in your prayer. The reason is that the entire universe is composed of the energy youre feeling with your hands right now. When you maintain that feeling of connection with the universe as you pray for the great hopes and dreams cherished by your soul you are broadcasting your prayer to the entire universe as your audience. If the whole universe is resonating with your dream and working with you to make your dream come true wouldnt that lend great strength to you
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Michael Bassey Johnson famous quote #68

For you to make your creative work creative you must seek creativity from the creator.
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Michael Bassey Johnson famous quote #349

If you keep on saying a single thing to yourself you are likely to attract it to yourself dreaming it always then in a twinkle of an eye it comes to you.
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Saurabh Sharma famous quote #90

A Strange PrayerDear Lord I the self searching illusion has seen and experienced the outer worldrelationshipssuccess and failuretrue friends strangers and backbiters.I lived the different emotionsduring different seasonsI witnessed ups downsenjoyed love hatewas good badfaced beauty ugliness.There were times when I was bravethere were times when I was a coward.There were times when I was proactivethere were times when I was indecisive.After flying high in the skiesand yet being a loser...After being nothing no oneand yet feeling content..I have understood the differencebetween lust and lovehappiness and sadnessselfishness and selflessness.One often leads to anotheranother secretly carries the oneYet I am lostbetween being and becoming.An inner voice admits thatmy heart is an unexplored realmmy mind is a prisoner to my wishful thinkingand the soul is unknown to me.Setting that unknown free... now this is my heartiest wish.As Saurabh Sharmathe human beingIalwayspray to thee O lord set me free.I dont want loveI dont want to be lovedI want myself to be love itself now.That beautiful silent and divine existence...I want to get merged into that.Please give me wisdom and courage Merge me into your supreme kingdom by setting my soul free.
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