Famous Quotes about priorities

Evelyn Christenson famous quote #142

Whether we want to admit it or not we are dependent on other pray-ers. In Matthew 938 Jesus said Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest. Am I a laborer because someone some time some place obeyed Jesus command and prayed that God would send forth a laborer to the field in which Im working This is a humbling thought and removes all the ego and pride about my ministry my calling. Because somebody prayed did I CHANGE into Gods laborer
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Hans Urs von Balthasar quote #172 from Prayer

We do not build the kingdom of God on earth by our own efforts however assisted by grace the most we can do through genuine prayer is to make as much room as possible in ourselves and in the world for the kingdom of God so that its energies can go to work. All that we can show our contemporaries of the reality of God springs from contemplation Jesus Christ the Church our own selves.
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Angela Carter quote #46 from The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman

She stayed beside me until I slept waveringly brilliantly hooded in diaphanous scarlet and occasionally she left an imperative written in lipstick on my dusty windowpane. BE AMOROUS she exhorted one night and another night BE MYSTERIOUS Some nights later she scribbled WHEN YOU BEGIN TO THINK YOU LOSE THE POINT.
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