Famous Quotes about priorities

Auliq Ice famous quote #46

Love is a weakness which converts even the strongest minds as its slave and makes them sing its tunes.
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Jennifer Elisabeth famous quote #237

I met a boy whose eyes showed me that the past present and future were all the same thing.
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Elizabeth Gilbert quote #130 from Eat

I filled the song with everything I wished I could teach him about life. I tried to reassure him with every line about how the world is hard and unfair sometimes but that its all OK beacuse he is so loved. He is surrounded by souls who would do anything to help him. And not only that- he has wisdom and patience of his own buried deep inside his being which will only reveal themselves over time and will always carry him through any trial. He is a gift from God to all of us.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #361

The day you start being serious about what you want to Achieve is the day when what you desire to achieve craves for you as well.Because nothing in the world lasts for you if you are paying half attention towards what you are doing for it.
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Jennifer Elisabeth quote #416 from Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl

I feel like a paper cut just waiting to bleed.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #459

Teaching is a noble profession As a matter of fact majority-learn by their own experiences situations believes understanding capacity and IQ levels.
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