Famous Quotes about friends

Dorothy Parker quote #276 from The Complete Poems of Dorothy Parker

InventoryFour be the things I am wiser to knowIdleness sorrow a friend and a foe.Four be the things Id been better withoutLove curiosity freckles and doubt.Three be the things I shall never attainEnvy content and sufficient champagne.Three be the things I shall have till I dieLaughter and hope and a sock in the eye.
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Jess C. Scott quote #417 from The Other Side of Life

Friends are the family you choose NinIthilnin Elven rogue.
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Colette famous quote #84

Its so curious one can resist tears and behave very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed or a letter slips from a drawer... and everything collapses.
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Neil Gaiman quote #351 from The Sandman

I think I fell in love with her a little bit. Isnt that dumb But it was like I knew her. Like she was my oldest dearest friend. The kind of person you can tell anything to no matter how bad and theyll still love you because they know you. I wanted to go with her. I wanted her to notice me. And then she stopped walking. Under the moon she stopped. And looked at us. She looked at me. Maybe she was trying to tell me something I dont know. She probably didnt even know I was there. But Ill always love her. All my life.
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Fred Rogers famous quote #176

When I say its you I like Im talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate peace that rises triumphant over war and justice that proves more powerful than greed.
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