Famous Quotes about empowerment

Tony DeLiso quote #348 from Legacy: The Power Within

Keep your best wishes close to your heart and watch what happens
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Dorothy Parker quote #436 from The Complete Poems of Dorothy Parker

In youth it was a way I hadTo do my best to please.And change with every passing ladTo suit his theories.But now I know the things I knowAnd do the things I doAnd if you do not like me soTo hell my love with you.
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Charlotte Brontë quote #204 from Jane Eyre

I am not an angel I asserted and I will not be one till I die I will be myself. Mr. Rochester you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me - for you will not get it any more than I shall get it of you which I do not at all anticipate.
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Coco Chanel famous quote #360

Its probably not just by chance that Im alone. It would be very hard for a man to live with me unless hes terribly strong. And if hes stronger than I Im the one who cant live with him. Im neither smart nor stupid but I dont think Im a run-of-the-mill person. Ive been in business without being a businesswoman Ive loved without being a woman made only for love. The two men Ive loved I think will remember me on earth or in heaven because men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness. Ive done my best in regard to people and to life without precepts but with a taste for justice.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #139

The failure of something it doesnt mean is the end of itits a begging of a challenge
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Auliq Ice famous quote #70

Love is a two-way game you cannot truly love one who does not love you neither can you force them to love you and look past the hurtful deeds youve done. I learned that the hard way
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Auliq Ice famous quote #434

I am not your maid nor your slave.Paid or unpaid.I will only be me and thats all I will ever be.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #341

Slavery was never abolished. Why Because you are still a slave to the biased opinions of a person whom you know not. You claim otherwise yet your clothes are of a trend your speech of whats acceptable in a society of ignorance. You have choice yet you do not exercise its freedom because you are a slave to the ways of the world.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #225

Laughing is a sin. Laugh when you are a slave shows your disobedience to your master.
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