Famous Quotes about rwa

Shannon MacLeod quote #192 from Rogue on the Rollaway

Refusing to lean back against him Colleen sat ramrod straight until they reached the road. I guess I should say thank you for saving my life she muttered then turned and slapped Faoln hard across the face. And thats for you having to save it in the first place. And Im not your woman you big arrogant lying betrayingfaery loving She searched for the perfect insult and couldnt find one Scot. She gave a very unladylike snort. Happy now That fiery enough for you
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Shannon MacLeod quote #46 from Rogue on the Rollaway

His deep voice drifted to her through the crowd of women. my lady when she returns. Och there ye are Blossom Faoln grinned standing up and taking her hand so she could ease back into the restaurant booth. These lasses were just asking if I was a stripper. I told them I doona think so he said his face clouded with uncertainty. Im not am IThe inquisitive lasses in question flushed scarlet and scattered to the four corners of the room at the murderous look on Colleens face. No youre not but I guess I can see how theyd think that she muttered darkly. What you are is a freaking estrogen magnet.
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