Famous Quotes about story

Christopher Hawke quote #176 from Unnatural Truth

I once held a belief that life made sense that working toward a dream would birth substance. Nothing else mattered. I soon discovered that success is as long-lasting as any of lifes novelties. Weve all been happy with new things only to be disappointed later. Dolls and soldiers our parents toiled to give us found their way to pedestals then to the back of closets. Id always dreamed of marrying a woman I loved and watching my children grow. I wonder if our lives should be filled with the pursuit of such dreams those magical hopes interwoven into our story. Our stories are decorative shells for the crabs we really are both protecting and exposing us to the manic outside.
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Paul E. Miller quote #244 from A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World

As we wait and pray God weaves his story and creates a wonder. Instead of drifting between comedy denial and tragedy reality we have a relationship with the living God who is intimately involved with the details of our worlds. We are learning to watch for the story to unfold to wait for the wonder.
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Paul E. Miller quote #483 from A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World

When confronted with suffering that wont go away or with even a minor problem we instinctively focus on what is missing...not on the Masters hand. Often when you think everything has gone wrong its just that youre in the middle of a story. If you watch the stories God is weaving in your life you... will begin to see the patterns. Youll become a poet sensitive to your Fathers voice.
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Munia Khan famous quote #149

The world of light and starry gracewithin your mind I live to trace.Your thoughts speed in thunders glorylightening my being with dreams story.I embrace the tree carrying your nameYour unspoken wish the heart of fame.
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Chelsie Shakespeare quote #85 from The Pull

When we cant understand the science behind something in this world we make up mythological entities that we can relate to. We personify the forces of nature that mystify us using our boundless imaginations to comfort us and make us feel like we have some control over these things that are much bigger than we are.
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