Let me dream so I can shape the world let me dream so I can make others dream as well but do not let me dream my days away lest I sleep my years away too.
No matter how potent your talents are they remain to be out of use until you take time to develop them to their optimum level. This calls for preparation. Through preparation personal branding consistent exposure and productive connections you set up a condition for your dreams to flourish and bear fruits
One of the gifts we receive from Jesus is an entirely new foundation upon which to build our lives. Once you receive Him He becomes your new foundation and every day you walk with Him you build on it.
Never leave your life plan to be determined by people who are not going where you are going. For the sake of your dreams and also for the sake of the people God created to benefit from your God-give talents stay away from toxic people. Mount the shoulder giants and see farther ahead
My dreams tend to be either so obscure as to seem random or so obviously connected to my subconscious that its embarrassing- as if even my hidden depths lack depth.