Its called an accomplishment not an intent-ishment. Youve got to BE it to SEE it. NO MORE EXCUSES - Decide what you want create a plan and get your ass out there
Your actions must reflect your goals in order to experience true success. Dont just wish DO Dont just dream BE Let today be the day you create a plan and follow it.
The kind of soil in your area determines the type of crop you will plant to harvest The kind of potentials in you will decide the type of success you will celebrate.
Desires and wishes dont lead to success. Plans and efforts do. Create a vision chalk out an action plan put in your best efforts and give yourself a headstart in achieving your dreams.
Never leave your life plan to be determined by people who are not going where you are going. For the sake of your dreams and also for the sake of the people God created to benefit from your God-give talents stay away from toxic people. Mount the shoulder giants and see farther ahead
A leader without a clear vision and plans only abuses his power because visions dreams and plans are the fulcrum along which the loads of success will spine by your own efforts. And where power is abused there is manipulation instead of inspiration.