...for all its apparent speed the ship was almost perfectly silent and he experienced an enervating eerie feeling as though the ancient warship mothballed all those centuries had somehow not yet fully woken up and events within its sleek hull still moved to another slower tempo made half of dreams.
No wonder I want to be Robert Mitchum big strong super-cool with those Freon eyes of his. Thats who I was pretending to be a minute ago - Robert Mitchum in Out of the Past. - Ben
The eyes were damned the staring glaring eyes of one who sees but does not see eyes ever turned inward to the sterile hell of dreams beyond control dreams unleashed risen out of the stinking swamps of the unconscious.
You can create sense out of nonsense something out of nothing. You can create wealth out of dearth viable ventures out of turbulent adventures. You can create mercies out of miseries. You can create tomorrows peace out of todays crisis.