Famous Quotes about compromise

Bauvard quote #184 from I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you. I left for the country club you the mountain top knowing that at our reunion one would fall. When golf clubs fence with skis both summer and winter are painted red. In the contact sports of the wealthy the seasons are no longer impersonal forces.
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Steve Rasnic Tem quote #129 from The Man on the Ceiling

Sometimes I wait at the bottom of those dark stairs I sit at the bottom of the stairs I wait beyond the bottom of the stairs and listen to the sounds my wife and children make as they sleep the sounds our animals make as they step carefully through our dreams and out the other side to polished floor and cold window. Sometimes I wait so long I become unsure if I am asleep or awake or dead.
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A.J. Darkholme quote #152 from Rise of the Morningstar

If you plan for failure then you are expecting to fail. If you plan for success youll be successful. Once you start making a Plan B you distract from Plan A and the moment you start believing there are other options you start settling for less.
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