Famous Quotes about confidence

Henry David Thoreau quote #71 from Where I Lived

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind will pass an invisible boundary new universal and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him or the old laws be expanded and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings.
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Mary Maina quote #376 from The Proverbs 31 Lady: Unveiling Her Secrets Before Saying I Do

It is Jesus that The Proverbs 31 Lady seeks when she dreams of happiness He is waiting for her when nothing else she finds satisfies her He is the beauty to which she is so attracted to it is He who provoked her with that thirst for fullness that will not let her settle for compromise it is He who urges her to shed the masks of a false life it is He who reads in her heart her most genuine choices the choices that others try to suppress.Do you desire to be that Lady of God God desires a relationship with you. Hes made this relationship possible by sending His Son. That inner void is filled through a relationship with the Lord. The place to start to fulfill the longing in your heart is to trust in the Lord for His salvation and allow the Holy Spirit to work within you to satisfy your thirst. As we go together to the well that never runs dry I know the savior of our soul will meet us there. We will drink from the water of life He gives the water that quenches our thirsty souls.
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Hal Zina Bennett quote #186 from Write from the Heart: Unleashing the Power of Your Creativity

Dreams and visions are not always intended to be interpreted or analyzed. At times they say exactly what they mean providing a set of images and meanings to be taken for no more or less than they are.
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Shannon MacLeod quote #90 from Rogue on the Rollaway

You turn the lights on and off here and if you cant sleep and want something to read there are books in the living room her voice broke off. Wait. Can you readHis chin took a slight tilt upward. Aye Faoln replied his voice cool in English Gaelic Latin or French. My Welsh is a bit rusty and I doona remember any of the Greek I was taught except for words not fit for a ladys ears. I can also count all the way up to He looked down and wiggled his large bare toes twenty. Faoln MacIntyre
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Anirudh Arun quote #17 from The Steadfast Tin Soldier?

Its only now that I realize that voicing out your alternative goals isnt really a sound idea. Dont get me wrong here - Im not saying one mustnt dream for oneself. Im just saying that one mustnt give it voice at least until it has been acted upon. If they dont know your dreams then they cant shoot them down.
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