Famous Quotes about confidence

pastor Moses famous quote #240

MIRACLE AND BREAKTHROUGH PRAYERSTHE INTERNATIONAL HEALING EVANGELIST AND PASTOR IS HERE TO PRAY FOR YOU.Miracles still happen many have come to reason that the age of miracles has passed and that it ended with the apostles in the bible and so many people die of sickness prematurely and they are tormemnted by the devil because of that belief child of God i want to assure you that Jesus of Nazareth is still in the business of doing miracles and helping his people around the world.This i have witnessed it with my own eyes in this present generations as the miracles that Jesus performed in the bible is still performing them even today. Dont let the devil play ping pong on you dont let your family fall apart the people you loved seeing them walk away what atragic sight that would be the only love of your life leaving you just like that but you can stop it now.stop living in your wishes and start living in your realities.I am here as an ambassodor of the Lord Jesus Christ to tell you that you can make it in life again you can rise again from zero you can prosper and be in good health and that you can be what and who God wants you to beYou can get healed of that cancer there is hope for you.Do not commit suicide you still can do alot in this land of the living.God loves you and he wants the best for you.I am here to encourage you and to tell you that it is not over untill the Lord says so.You can live again.Hope has a name Joy has a name Love Has a name and that name is Jesus Christ.I would like to pray with you and continue to encourage you send me an email on pastormoses46yahoo.co.za.i am waiting for your response come and witness the power of God miracles still happen because our God is not dead. he is alive
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Jarod Kintz quote #170 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. I had a flat tire on the interstate which is really embarrassing for a hitchhiker who is using that tire as a substitute for pants. You were the only person who offered to give me a ride and I am grateful even though you pulled over at first because you thought I was a hooker.
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Ihar Babkou quote #111 from Adam K?akocki i jego cienie

Ogarno go poczucie beznadziejnoci - beznadziejnoci oswojonej i ciepej przez co jeszcze bardziej beznadziejnej. Zatrzyma si przy oknie. cieka gina w jesiennym dywanie opadych lici i w mroku bya tak blisko i zarazem tak daleko jak Pary jak Byt jak Wolno. Wyrzek si tych prostych yciowych cieek czciowo z wasnej woli czciowo wbrew niej. Natura bya abstraktem snem. Rzeczywisto natomiast zamykaa si tutaj midzy korytarzykiem pielgniarzem i sal.
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