Famous Quotes about confidence

Geoffrey Wood quote #37 from The God Cookie

Thats where thinking started where thinking stopped where all her prayers so long ago had dried up. She no longer prayed nor even dreamed of changing her father. Her dreams now played variations on the theme of escape. And they were nothing more than that just dreams just play. Shed been alone at the end of her dreams so many times before and never had God helped her escape her father because God couldnt because she would never escape her need to love him.
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Bernard Kelvin Clive quote #88 from EnjoyLife 360 - Simple Secrets to a Happier Fulfilling Life!

Never apologize for who you are and what you do and more especially never apologize for dreaming big even if they dont come true. Many will criticize you and call you names but hey its your life its your dream. Make it happen.
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Charlotte Eriksson famous quote #192

... and you might say no you will never do that thats not you not who I know not who I thought you wereand I will saywatch mefor I never did this to fit inor stand outbut to live.
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Sybil MacBeth quote #44 from Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God

Since words elude me when I need them most I learned long ago that I cannot count on QUALITY time with God when I want to pray. I need QUANTITY and regularity. Quality is not something I can predict. My husband Andy and I might schedule an elaborate evening out with candles and a gourmet meal but there is no guarantee that well have a wonderful time together -- chopping onions peppers die by side in the kitchen reading together on the couch sitting on the front step watching our sons ride bikes and making plans for our life together.
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Germany Kent famous quote #49

The outcome is not up to you. The outlook is.
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