Famous Quotes about confidence

Ikechukwu Joseph famous quote #136

You can create sense out of nonsense something out of nothing. You can create wealth out of dearth viable ventures out of turbulent adventures. You can create mercies out of miseries. You can create tomorrows peace out of todays crisis.
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Veronique Vienne quote #147 from The Art of the Moment: Simple Ways to Get the Most from Life

Are we alone Over time you will come up with various answers to that same nagging question. Eventually one day it will occur to you that this endless asking is the answer you have been looking for. The fact that we have an ongoing dialogue with the universe is proof enough that there is something out there.
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Emily Whitman quote #90 from Wildwing

An alder tree cant become an oak at will. A maple cant pick up its roots like legs and stride step by powerful step along the shore to find the sun. And everything that ever said otherwise--all those years of school and the plays and moving pictures that promise you can be someone else something more--they were all lies.
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Jarod Kintz quote #109 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You were a tax collector and I was a man with a noose around my neck hanging from a tree. You said I could be freed if Id only pay my taxes and I said as long as I paid taxes Id never be free. I said I was freer in a noose than I was under the tax lasso.
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