Famous Quotes about confidence

Steve Rasnic Tem quote #129 from The Man on the Ceiling

Sometimes I wait at the bottom of those dark stairs I sit at the bottom of the stairs I wait beyond the bottom of the stairs and listen to the sounds my wife and children make as they sleep the sounds our animals make as they step carefully through our dreams and out the other side to polished floor and cold window. Sometimes I wait so long I become unsure if I am asleep or awake or dead.
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Umberto Eco quote #59 from The Name of the Rose

There are magic moments involving great physical fatigue and intense motor excitement that produce visions of people known in the past en me retraant ces dtails jen suis me demander sils sont rels ou bien si je les ai rvs. As I learned later from the delightful little book of the Abb de Bucquoy there are also visions of books as yet unwritten.
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