Famous Quotes about fears

Moffat Machingura famous quote #160

The first step is the hardest in every journey of dreams. So If you have had the tenacity to begin then we are confident that the hardest part of your mission is the one lying behind you. Step into the future knowing that God has got you this far as a promise that He is able to get you beyond. Step into the future with focus knowing that the only way to kill your dream is trying to find another. Step into the future knowing that if you are not living your faith you are living your fears.
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Paulo Coelho quote #4 from The Devil and Miss Prym

She had just realized there were two things that prevent us from achieving our dreams: believing them to be impossible or seeing those dreams made possible by some sudden turn of the wheel of fortune, when you least expected it. For at that moment, all our fears suddenly surface: the fear of setting off along a road heading who knows where, the fear of a life full of new challenges, the fear of losing forever everything that is familiar.
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