Famous Quotes about confidence

Dietrich Bonhoeffer quote #253 from Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community

A Christian fellowship lives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another or it collapses. I can no longer condemn or hate a brother for whom I pray no matter how much trouble he causes me. His face that hitherto may have been strange and intolerable to me is transformed in intercession into the countenance of a brother for whom Christ died the face of a forgiven sinner.
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Miguel Ruiz quote #432 from The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Prayer for LoveThank You Creator of the Universe for the gift of Life you have given meThank You for giving me everything that I have ever neededThank You for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mindThank You for living inside me with all Your Love and Your pure and boundless Spiritwith Your warm and radiating Light.Thank You for using my words for using my eyes for using my heart to share your love wherever I go.I love You just the way you are and because I am your creation I love myself just the way I am.Help me to keep the Love and the Peace in my Heart and to make that Love a new way of life that I may live in Love the rest of my life.Amen.
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Alan Furst quote #179 from The Spies of Warsaw

For Mercier it was the ceremony of the mass that eased his soul the sweetish smoke trailing from the censer the ringing of the bell the Latin incantations of the priest. In Warsaw he attended early mass at a small church near the apartment once or twice a month confessing to his vocational sins duplicity for example in the oblique forms provided by Catholic protocol. Hed grown up an untroubled believer but the war had put an end to that. What God could permit such misery and slaughter But in time he had found consolation in a God beyond understanding and prayed for those hed lost for those he loved and for an end to evil in the world. Alan Furst The Spies of Warsaw
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Jerusalem Jackson Greer quote #283 from A Homemade Year: The Blessings of Cooking

Hanging laundry on a line is a very ordinary task. It is as ordinary as scraped knees and lost keys as fixing the same simple dish for supper again and again. Ordinary is most days and Lord helps is if we overlook them.
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James K.A. Smith quote #295 from Desiring the Kingdom: Worship

Its not that we start with beliefs and doctrine and then come up with worship practices that properly express these cognitive beliefs rather we begin with worship and articulated beliefs bubble up from there. Doctrines are the cognitive theoretical articulation of what we understand when we pray.
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Richard Leonard quote #420 from Sj

Why bother praying It does not matter if we have developed bad habits in limiting prayer to only asking for things but prayer is much much richer than that. By all means lets keep asking God to keep changing us but lets also give praise and thanksgiving crying out in lamentation affirm our trust and faith sing of our salvation and simply wait upon the Lord. There is a way to pray for all seasons under the sun.
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