Jess C. Scott quote #382 from EyeLeash: A Blog Novel Maybe you could be mine or maybe well be entwined aimless in this sexless foreplay.Quote author: Jess C. ScottShare this quote:
Jess C. Scott quote #395 from EyeLeash: A Blog Novel My headll explode if I continue with this escapism.Quote author: Jess C. ScottShare this quote:
Jess C. Scott quote #62 from EyeLeash: A Blog Novel V-Dayif you need this one day in a year to show everyone else you truly care for your loved one I think its quite stupid. I hate this commercialism. Its all artificial and has nothing to do with real love.Quote author: Jess C. ScottShare this quote:
Jess C. Scott famous quote #159 A fit healthy bodythat is the best fashion statementQuote author: Jess C. ScottShare this quote:
Terence McKenna famous quote #96 The imagination is the goal of history. I see culture as an effort to literally realize our collective dreams.Quote author: Terence McKennaShare this quote: