Famous Quotes about dreams

C.S. Richardson quote #112 from The Emperor of Paris

The problem is that you are too much in love. You are here because your parents mentioned your name to someone who mentioned your parents name to someone who mentioned your name to my superior who suggested that I might find a position for you. And so here you sit blocking my light and dripping on my floor eager to tell me that you love the paintings in my museum. That you have known them admired them dreamt of them since you were a little girl. I wish it were otherwise but all this means nothing to me. Everyone who has sat on that stool has claimed your devotion.
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Erich Fromm quote #165 from Mýtus

Musme rozliovat mezi obsahy mylenkovho procesu a logickmi kategoriemi pouitmi mylenm. Zatmco se obsahy naeho bdlho mylen nepodizuj omezenm prostoru a asu maj kategorie logickho mylen prostorov-asovou povahu. Tak napklad mohu myslet na svho otce a zjistit e jeho postoj v urit situaci je toton s mm. Toto zjitn je logicky sprvn. Jeslie vak tvrdm J jsem svm otcem pak je toto tvrzen nelogick protoe neodpovd pojmm fyziklnho svta. Z hlediska provn je vak ta vta logick nebo j vyjaduji sv proitky totonosti se svm otcem. Logick mylenky v bdlm stavu jsou podzeny logickm kategorm zaloenm na speciln form existence ve kter pistupujeme k realit v jednn. Ve spc existenci kter se vyznauje neptomnost dokonce i potencilnho jednn se pouvaj kategorie kter se vztahuj k provn sebe sama. To plat i pro ctn. Jestlie se mj ci v bdlm stavu tk lovka kterho jsem dvacet let nevidl jsem si stle vdom faktu e dotyn nen ptomen. Kdy o nm vak snm pak ho ctm tak jako kdyby ptomen byl. Jestlie vak km jako kdyby ptomen byl vyjaduji tm svj pocit v pojmech kter odpovdaj bdlmu ivotu. Pro spc existenci neexistuje dn jako by pslun osoba je ptomna.
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T.B. Markinson quote #58 from A Woman Lost

My eyes lingered on her naked body for several minutes. Was our relationship what she wanted Was it satisfying for her Was it what she dreamed of when she started falling in love with me Did reality ever fulfill our dreams Or do dreams just continually set us up for failure and disappointment
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Jaime Buckley quote #153 from The Truth About Lies

There is no limit as to what we can learn. Through study we can learn from the past. Experience can empower us to handle the present. For those who desire to learn of the future dreams hold a subtle key.Not all things we see as we sleep should be cast aside as non-consequential rubbish. It is true that the mind can play many tricksbut it can also send you messages meant to be deciphered at a later date.
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