Famous Quotes about life

Angelica Hopes quote #95 from Landscapes of a Heart

Let our heart glow when you pray.Let our souls innermost desire and need flow in silence gratitude and humble petition.Let our daily prayers be a life attitude not only when we are in trouble but never forgetting to include all others who are also in difficulties.There are times prayers cannot change things for us but we grow and change with faith and strength patience and serenity with a heart that extends for others.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #85 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

It is not enough to take good decisions and make good choices. It is necessary to take heed and comply with whatever you plan and that can only happen by the influence of the Lord God the giver of your dreams.
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T.F. Hodge quote #59 from From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"

Achieving a goal requires endurance and sacrifices beyond limitations.
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