Famous Quotes about life

Amy Leigh Mercree famous quote #19

Having the life of your dreams is simple make conscious choices.
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Jennifer Elisabeth quote #184 from Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl

Ive always seen this in you ever since you were a little girl this hunger to love other people into their highest selves and its what has made me irreversibly and just so forever in love with you.
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Paul Verlaine quote #92 from Poemes Saturniens

Sonnez grelots sonnez clochettes sonnez clochesCar mon rve impossible a pris corps et je laiEntre mes bras press le Bonheur cet ailVoyageur qui de lHomme vite les approches- Sonnez grelots sonnez clochettes sonnez clochesLe Bonheur a march cte cte avec moiMais la FATALIT ne connat point de trve Le ver est dans le fruit le rveil dans le rveEt le remords est dans lamour telle est la loi.- Le Bonheur a march cte cte avec moi.
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Nando Parrado quote #204 from Miracle in The Andes

You are angry at the God you were taught to believe in as a child. The God who is supposed to watch over you and protect you who answers your prayers and forgives your sins. This God is just a story. Religions try to capture God but God is beyond religion. The true God lies beyond our comprehension. We cant understand His will He cant be explained in a book. He didnt abandon us and He will not save us. He has nothing to do with our being here. God does not change. He simply is. I dont pray to God for forgiveness or favors I only pray to be closer to Him and when I pray I fill my heart with love. When I pray this way I know that God is love. When I feel that love I remember that we dont need angels or a heaven because we are a part of God already.
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Dark Jar Tin Zoo quote #18 from I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you. At first you were a mannequin and I was a fashion designer. Then inexplicably we switched roles and I became the mannequin. But instead of putting clothes on me you laughed at my nakedness and you sold me to the owner of a sex shop.
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Richard von Krafft-Ebing quote #191 from Psychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-Legal Study

How deep congenital sex-inversion roots may be gathered from the fact that the pleasure-dream of the male Urning has to do with male persons and of the female with females.
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Lisa Tuttle quote #53 from The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 16

In the jumbled fragmented memories I carry from my childhood there are probably nearly as many dreams as images from waking life. I thought of one which might have been my earliest remembered nightmare. I was probably about four years old - I dont think Id started school yet - when I woke up screaming. The image I retained of the dream the thing which had frightened me so was an ugly clown-like doll made of soft red and cream-coloured rubber. When you squeezed it bulbous eyes popped out on stalks and the mouth opened in a gaping scream. As I recall it now it was disturbingly ugly not really an appropriate toy for a very young child but it had been mine when I was younger at least until Id bitten its nose off at which point it had been taken away from me. At the time when I had the dream I hadnt seen it for a year or more - I dont think I consciously remembered it until its sudden looming appearance in a dream had frightened me awake.When I told my mother about the dream she was puzzled.But whats scary about that You were never scared of that doll.I shook my head meaning that the doll Id owned - and barely remembered - had never scared me. But it was very scary I said meaning that the reappearance of it in my dream had been terrifying.My mother looked at me baffled. But its not scary she said gently. Im sure she was trying to make me feel better and thought this reasonable statement would help. She was absolutely amazed when it had the opposite result and I burst into tears.Of course she had no idea why and of course I couldnt explain. Now I think - and of course I could be wrong - that what upset me was that Id just realized that my mother and I were separate people. We didnt share the same dreams or nightmares. I was alone in the universe like everybody else. In some confused way that was what the doll had been telling me. Once it had loved me enough to let me eat its nose now it would make me wake up screaming. My Death
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