Famous Quotes about purpose

Tony DeLiso quote #348 from Legacy: The Power Within

Keep your best wishes close to your heart and watch what happens
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Elizabeth Gilbert quote #179 from Eat

One thing I do know about intimacy is that there are certain natural laws which govern the sexual experience of two people and that these laws cannot be budged any more than gravity can be negotiated with. To feel physically comfortable with someone elses body is not a decision you can make. It has very little to do with how two people think or act or talk or even look. The mysterious magnet is either there buried somewhere deep behind the sternum or it is not. When it isnt there as I have learned in the past with heartbreaking clarity you can no more force it to exist than a surgeon can force a patients body to accept a kidney from the wrong donor. My friend Annie says it all comes down to one simple question Do you want your belly pressed against this persons belly forever --or not
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Colette famous quote #84

Its so curious one can resist tears and behave very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed or a letter slips from a drawer... and everything collapses.
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J.K. Rowling quote #380 from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand it is love. Love as powerful as your mothers for you leaves its own mark. To have been loved so deeply even though the person who loved us is gone will give us some protection forever.
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Paulo Coelho quote #473 from The Witch Of Portobello

After all what is happiness Love they tell me. But love doesnt bring and never has brought happiness. On the contrary its a constant state of anxiety a battlefield its sleepless nights asking ourselves all the time if were doing the right thing. Real love is composed of ecstasy and agony.
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J.K. Rowling quote #446 from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Ginny listen...I cant be involved with you anymore. Weve got to stop seeing each other. We cant be together.Its for some stupid noble reason isnt itIts been like...like something out of someone elses life these last few weeks with you. But I cant...we cant...Ive got to do things alone now. Voldemort uses people his enemies are close to. Hes already used you as bait once and that was just because you were my best friends sister. Think how much danger youll be in if we keep this up. Hell know hell find out. Hell try and get me through you.What if I dont careI care. How do you think Id feel if this was your funeral...and it was my fault...
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