Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Ernst Jünger quote #451 from Eumeswil

The padres set great store by addressing prayer to personal gods Genuine prayer exists only in religions in which there is a God as a person and a shape and endowed with a will.That was stated by a famous Protestant. The anarch does not want to have anything to do with that conception. As for the One God while he may be able to shape persons he is not a person himself and the he is already a patriarchal prejudice.A neuter One is beyond our grasp while man converses ten with the Many Gods on equal terms whether as their inventor or as their discoverer. In any case it is man who named the gods. This is not to be confused with a high level soliloquy. Divinity must without a doubt be inside us and recognized as being inside us otherwise we would have no concept of gods.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #66 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

I decree and I declare that I am not a raw material but rather a finished product. God knows me and knows the reason for which he created me. I am not here on earth to merely live and depart.
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Jarod Kintz quote #66 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. I was a shoe salesman and you had no feet. I needed to make a sale or Id be fired and you needed reliable transportation. I suggested you buy shoes from me and for me and in return Id give you a piggyback ride. In the end you bought a new purse and I ended up punching my boss in his face.
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Jarod Kintz quote #196 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. I was a consumer and you were a consumed. My grocery list had 10 items on it. Items 1-9 were cat food and the 10th item was condoms. But not for sexthey were to store my leftovers as Tupperware had been decreed illegal by the king.
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Happy Positivity famous quote #136

Every journey has its own traveler. Every dream has its own dreamer. We are all belonged to a specific journey and dream. Some people are currently looking for it some people are just figuring it out some people are still lost and to some they have finally found it.
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