Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Jarod Kintz quote #78 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You wanted to make love to me and I wanted to sell you a talking mannequin that looked like me. You said you didnt pay for sex and I said I didnt sell to just anybody. But we both knew we were both lying.
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Chelsie Shock quote #34 from Rogue

I think that the things that are supposed to happen stay inside you...even if they cannot be they fight to get out of you. Even if the adversities of life keep you imprisoned making your destiny seem impossible...you still feel it. There has to be a place somewhere even in dreams... where the things that are supposed to happen...happen.
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Jamie Freveletti famous quote #95

Last Saturday night I was in a club on the South Side of Chicago listening to live rock music and talking to a guitar playing veteran of the music scene in the city. He looked and talked like the musicians that I recall from my childhood he was a thin cigarette smoking avant garde and interesting guy. We got to talking about a life in the relatively risky creative arts and he said Look you could get that safe job and spend your whole life that way but what are you waiting for When youre ninety-six years old and have three days left Is that when you decide to do what you love
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Louise Erdrich quote #185 from Books and Islands in Ojibwe Country

One of Tobasonakwuts favorite phrases is andopawatchigan which means seek your dream but is lots more complicated. It means that first you have to find and identify your dream often through fasting and then that you also must carry out exactly what your dream tells you to do in each detail. And then the philosophy comes in for by doing this repeatedly you will gradually come into a balanced relationship with all of life.
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Erica Cameron quote #135 from Sing Sweet Nightingale

In the last three months Ive started having creepy dreams that give me a glimpse of the future. Or sometimes a portal will open up in the middle of the night and something will try to kill me. Theres no way to know which one Im gonna get hit with each day. Its kinda like playing Russian roulette every night with a drunk who hates you.
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Jarod Kintz quote #129 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. We met where most lovers meetin prison. You were a guard and I was in solitary confinement. The politicians felt the bars protected society from me but I felt the bars protected me from them.
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