Famous Quotes about self-confidence

William Nicholson quote #395 from Shadowlands

HARRINGTON And God hears your prayer doesnt he We hear Joys getting better....LEWIS Thats not why I pray Harry. I pray because I cant help myself. I pray because Im helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me waking and sleeping. It doesnt change God it changes me.
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Melody Sohayegh quote #143 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. It happened during the day. You used a pencil to erase the ink I wrote over the chalkboard since the professor told me 7 4 didnt equal 10. You were really cool about it in fact you handed me a bucket of ice. Apparently I needed to chill out.
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Jennifer Elisabeth famous quote #326

I know that your soul is on life support and that you feel lost and like youre completely spinning out of control but youre finding yourself here tonight even in this darkness.
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Roman Payne famous quote #99

As for girls they must risk everything for freedom and give everything for passion... loving everything that their hearts and their bodies love. The only thing higher for a girl and more sacred for a young woman than her freedom and her passion should be her desire to make her life into poetry surrendering everything she has to create a life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in her imagination.
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Jarod Kintz quote #13 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. The king decreed we could only speak one word and that word would be assigned to us. Your word was hello and my word was goodbye. You made me happy and I made you sad. Or so I thought. Turns out you rather liked me telling you goodbye. You just wished I didnt keep saying it. You thought one time was good enough and that after that I should never speak to you again.
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