Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Geoffrey Wood quote #37 from The God Cookie

Thats where thinking started where thinking stopped where all her prayers so long ago had dried up. She no longer prayed nor even dreamed of changing her father. Her dreams now played variations on the theme of escape. And they were nothing more than that just dreams just play. Shed been alone at the end of her dreams so many times before and never had God helped her escape her father because God couldnt because she would never escape her need to love him.
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Rona Jaffe quote #159 from The Best of Everything

We keep making decisions every day half without thinking half against our will. If we dont fight back if we allow ourselves to change to be changed then once its done we have to do other things and on and on until the person we wanted to be is so far away in the past that we only remember her longingly as if she were a beloved stranger.
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Jennifer Elisabeth quote #386 from Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl

I want you to trust yourself baby. Love is all that matters and youve always known that. Youve known since you were a very little girl what your life is meant to be about
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Germany Kent famous quote #49

The outcome is not up to you. The outlook is.
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