I will see every thing I dream to see I will have every thing I dream to have.But I fear that once I have attained all of my dreamsThat all of my nightmares will follow.
You see Christs purpose cant be derailed by your limitations or troubles. Your difficulties will not trip Him up or cause Him delays. Painful trials which may bring you to your knees will not baffle our Creator. He has a God-sized dream waiting for you to accomplish. His majestic plan is sovereign. Ultimately He could use anything to graciously lead you to victory.
I will see every thing I dream to see.I will have every thing I dream to have.But I fear that once I have attained all of my dreamsThat all the nightmares will follow.
God is a person and his universe reflects his personhood. The closer something is to the character of God the more it reflects him and the less it can be measured. Things such as integrity beauty hope and love are all in the same category as prayer. You can tell their presence and even describe them but you cant define them simply because they are too close to Gods image.
The last day you kissed meYou left a rhythm of your heartbeat on my lips.And everytime i try to speakI seem to utter nothing but the echoes of your heart desires.
To stand on thebrink of what is coming feeling eager optimistic anticipationwith no feeling of impatience doubt orunworthiness hindering the receiving of itthat is the Science of Deliberate Creation at its best.