Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Auliq Ice famous quote #229

Nothing ends with your voice its over because you are not the ruler of your life instead you are the slave of your life. It continues you wish or you may not. So hug the life as its your partner at all moments. Sure itll give you what you deserve for.
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Elizabeth George quote #69 from Prayers to Calm Your Heart: Finding the Path to More Peace and Less Stress

As a mother you need to remember that a loving and compassionate God is one hundred percent aware of your childs situation.
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Pooja Ruprell famous quote #251

Our eternal existence depends not on how much we have or the network and power structure we have attained and definitely not on our title or accomplishments at work. It depends on how much courage we exhibit in difficult times the number of people we bring a smile to and our sincerity at work home and in society.
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