Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Jennifer Elisabeth famous quote #341

Time is the most threatening four letter word.
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Jennifer Elisabeth quote #83 from Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl

In the old days when travelers would get lost they would follow the stars and I love that idea. I wish that I could rely on something as simple and magnificent as a star for all of my aching questions.
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Aimee Roseland quote #68 from FANGIRL_15

Lucien had never prayed before never imagined that there might be a deity listening who would be interested in what he had to say so his supplication skills were a tad rusty.But now Lucien prayed.Please dont take her from me just as Ive found her. If you do Ill come for your ass.Any gods listening would do well to heed him. Lucien never made a promise that he couldnt keep.
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