Famous Quotes about sleeping

Steven Redhead quote #120 from Keys to The Laws of Creation

Open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you. Born through your dreams crystallised into form by your desires given impetus by your expectations then made real through your beliefs.
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Nema Al-Araby famous quote #49

Write about patriotism about victory and defeat. Write about revolutions and rebels and prisoners and wars. About emotions of love and hatred and disappointment and regret. Intangible love and uncolored hatred and heartbreaking disappointments and abysmal regrets. Write about the seven deadly sins about stealth and murder and gluttony and greed. Dont forget to write about saints and sinners all the same. Write the poor and the rich using the same words make them equal for once. Write about mothers who lost their children about those who never had to lose I challenge you to tell me which hurts more. Write about darkness and light about light in the dark and darkness in the light. Remember to write about lost friendships about those who never found a shoulder when life shut its lights dim or those who kept the secret to their sadness within. Be fair to them too. Remind the world of those who always had someone to love but not someone to love them back craft their nights and dreams carefully. Dont forget the writers who keep promises with words and silence. Be subtle. Be warm. Remember heartbeats and heartbreaks. Remember everything remember all equally.And then let the world remind you Words will never be fair to whatever you write.
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Joyce Carol Oates quote #179 from I'll Take You There

I was nineteen years five months old when I fell in love for the first time. This seemed to me a profound advanced age never can we anticipate being older than we are or wiser if were exhausted its impossible to anticipate being strong as in the grip of a dream we rarely understand that were dreaming and will escape by the simplest of methods opening our eyes.
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