Famous Quotes about virtue

Frances Hodgson Burnett quote #418 from A Lady Of Quality

...if He made us He must know He is to blame when He has made us weak or evil. And He must understand why we have been so made and when we throw ourselves into the dust before Him and pray for help and pardon surely--surely He will lend an ear
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Peter Kreeft quote #469 from Prayer for Beginners

The only way God can strengthen his presence in our will is to weaken his presence in our feelings. Otherwise we would become spiritual cripples unable to walk without emotional crutches. This is why he gives us dryness sufferings and failures.
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Naomi Levy quote #126 from Talking to God: Personal Prayers for Times of Joy

A Prayer for Daily InsightOpen my eyes God. Help me to perceive what I have ignored to uncover what I have forgotten to find what I have been searching for. Remind me that I dont have to journey far to discover something new for miracles surround me blessings and holiness abound. And You are near. Amen.
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Brother Lawrence quote #107 from The Practice of the Presence of God

When the mind for want of being sufficiently reduced by recollection at our first engaging in devotion has contracted certain bad habits of wandering and dissipation they are difficult to overcome and commonly draw us even against our wills to the things of the earth.I believe one remedy for this is to confess our faults and to humble ourselves before God. I do not advise you to use multiplicity of words in prayer many words and long discourses being often the occasions of wandering. Hold yourself in prayer before God like a dumb or paralytic beggar at a rich mans gate. Let it be your business to keep your mind in the presence of the Lord. If it sometimes wander and withdraw itself from Him do not much disquiet yourself for that trouble and disquiet serve rather to distract the mind than to re-collect it the will must bring it back in tranquility. If you persevere in this manner God will have pity on you.
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