Famous Quotes about wisdom

Raphael Draccon quote #169 from Fios de Prata - Reconstruindo Sandman

Tu inspiraste Rowling e foi nas terras de Morpheus que se moldou Hogwarts. Tu inspiraste Tolkien e foi nas terras de Phantasos que se anexaram as extenses de Terra-Mdia. Tu inspiraste Lovecraft e em minhas terras se fixou Miskatonic. Ento eu te pergunto com sinceridade anjo at onde vai tua vontade de ser coadjuvante em um mundo de formas e pensamentos
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J.G. Ballard quote #192 from Empire of the Sun

All around them were the bodies of dead Chinese soldiers. They lined the verges of the roads and floated in the canals jammed together around the pillars of the bridges. In the trenches between the burial mounds hundreds of dead soldiers sat side by side with their heads against the torn earth as if they had fallen asleep together in a deep dream of war.
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