You can either follow your dreams with determination and persistence until they become true or you can be blown by the winds of fate - were anything can happen.
Music is the love child birthed from the boundless freedom found in dreams and the rapturous opposition faced in life for that we should be so grateful for both the light and the dark.
The Saying you cant always get what you want is very true. One day you wake up and realize that the likelihood of your dreams coming into fruition is long gone. And thats okay because you change you grow and so should your dreams. It is never too late to let go of the old worn-out dreams of yesterday to make room for bright shiny new dreams today
... dreams evanescence the way in which on awakening our thoughts thrust it aside as something bizarre and our reminiscences mutilating or rejecting itall these and many other problems have for many hundred years demanded answers which up till now could never have been satisfactory.