Famous Quotes from Moffat Machingura

Moffat Machingura famous quote #160

The first step is the hardest in every journey of dreams. So If you have had the tenacity to begin then we are confident that the hardest part of your mission is the one lying behind you. Step into the future knowing that God has got you this far as a promise that He is able to get you beyond. Step into the future with focus knowing that the only way to kill your dream is trying to find another. Step into the future knowing that if you are not living your faith you are living your fears.
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Moffat Machingura quote #32 from Life Capsules

The first step is the hardest in every journey of dreams. There is nothing else to fear unto whosoever has shown the tenacity to begin because once having started the hardest part of the mission is the one lying behind.
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