Famous Quotes about self-improvement

Mandy Hale quote #218 from The Single Woman: Life

One of the best times for figuring out who you are what you really want out of life Right after a break-up.
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Christina G. Hibbert Psy.D. famous quote #259

Maybe this is a second doctoral program advanced learning about life death marriage mothering family faith patience prayer. My degree will be Doctor of Life and I will be in good company. So many of us earn our Doctor of Life degrees.
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Shannon L. Alder famous quote #67

Diversity of character is due to the unequal time given to values. Only through each other will we see the importance of the qualities we lack and our unfinished souls potential.
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Shannon L. Alder famous quote #34

We are all a little schizophrenic. Each of us has three different people living inside us every daywho you were who you are and who you will become. The road to sanity is to recognize those identities in order to know who you are today.
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Richie Norton famous quote #115

You gotta make it a priority to make your priorities a priority.
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A.J. Darkholme quote #119 from Rise of the Morningstar

Your biggest dreams can become reality not by brute-forcing the end-goal but breaking it down into smaller more manageable parts. If your goal takes years breaking it down into months and days will let you improve your lot little bits at a time.
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Anthon St. Maarten famous quote #175

Never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives. The vision of your true destiny does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets. Judge not by their words but accept advice based on the evidence of actual results. Do not be surprised should you find a complete absence of anything mystical or miraculous in the manifested reality of those who are so eager to advise you. Friends and family who suffer the lack of abundance joy love fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience.
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