Famous Quotes about change

Shannon L. Alder famous quote #60

What if you were wrong What if everything you ever believed was a lie What if you missed your opportunity because you didnt know your worth What if you settled on familiar but God was trying to give you something better What if you decided not to go backwards but forward What if doing what you have never done before was the answer to everything that didnt make sense What if the answer wasnt to be found in words but in action What if you found the courage to do what you really wanted to do and doing it changed your whole life
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J.D. Stroube quote #170 from Soul Awakened

Once I embraced the dreams that once inspired. Now Ive found that there is too much I didnt recognize as a gift. I may be too late to see cherish and endure. I may never change but be forever stuck in the past without realizing until my eyes open to the sun and I have forgotten the moon.
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Jerril Thomas Abraham famous quote #155

The process of thinking is a way of analyzing and making the right assumption at the right moment in life.
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Jerril Thomas Abraham famous quote #45

The world will and always will be running at the same pace as nowthen and forever.
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William Nicholson quote #395 from Shadowlands

HARRINGTON And God hears your prayer doesnt he We hear Joys getting better....LEWIS Thats not why I pray Harry. I pray because I cant help myself. I pray because Im helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me waking and sleeping. It doesnt change God it changes me.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #185 from Shaping the dream

It is a good initiative for the dreams that would change one society to be nursed in another environment before being transplanted to strive in its original environment for the change process to begin
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