Famous Quotes about change

Rainer Maria Rilke quote #361 from Letters to a Young Poet

Therefore dear Sir love your solitude and try to sing out with the pain it causes you. For those who are near you are far away... and this shows that the space around you is beginning to grow vast.... be happy about your growth in which of course you cant take anyone with you and be gentle with those who stay behind be confident and calm in front of them and dont torment them with your doubts and dont frighten them with your faith or joy which they wouldnt be able to comprehend. Seek out some simple and true feeling of what you have in common with them which doesnt necessarily have to alter when you yourself change again and again when you see them love life in a form that is not your own and be indulgent toward those who are growing old who are afraid of the aloneness that you trust.... and dont expect any understanding but believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.
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Steve Maraboli famous quote #345

CHANGE Dont just talk about it go out there and do it. Dont just meditate about it go out there and create it. Dont just pray about it go out there and take action participate in the answering of your own prayer. If you want change get out there and live it. - Steve Maraboli
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #358 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

In most cases verbal prayer alone does not change anything when actions are branded with prayer wonderful things happen. Actions alone do not make it as well they lead to success when guided to labour by answered prayers. Pray and work
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Auliq Ice famous quote #139

The failure of something it doesnt mean is the end of itits a begging of a challenge
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Auliq Ice famous quote #70

Love is a two-way game you cannot truly love one who does not love you neither can you force them to love you and look past the hurtful deeds youve done. I learned that the hard way
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Auliq Ice famous quote #434

I am not your maid nor your slave.Paid or unpaid.I will only be me and thats all I will ever be.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #341

Slavery was never abolished. Why Because you are still a slave to the biased opinions of a person whom you know not. You claim otherwise yet your clothes are of a trend your speech of whats acceptable in a society of ignorance. You have choice yet you do not exercise its freedom because you are a slave to the ways of the world.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #225

Laughing is a sin. Laugh when you are a slave shows your disobedience to your master.
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Auliq Ice famous quote #89

A human being who trades away individuallity for conformity is nothing but a slave.
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