Famous Quotes about inspiration

William Goldman quote #43 from The Princess Bride

The Prince found Buttercup waiting unhappily outside his chamber doors.Its my letter she began. I cannot make it right.Come in come in the Prince said gently. Maybe we can help you. She sat down in the same chair as before. All right Ill close my eyes and listen read to me.Westley my passion my sweet my only my own. Come back come back. I shall kill myself otherwise. Yours in torment Buttercup. She looked at Humperdinck. Well Do you think Im throwing myself at him
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Julian Gough quote #497 from Juno & Juliet

You said you didnt want to get involved with methat one of us would get hurt and how you couldnt bear it. Well that just isnt good enough..Look what happens to people just living their lives. They get hurt its not fair they get hurt but they do all the time no matter how careful they are. Somebody can just just come along and hurt them for no stupid reason..
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Stephen Kendrick quote #170 from The Love Dare

Love chooses to believe the best about people. It gives them the benefit of the doubt. It refuses to fill in the unknowns with negative assumptions. And when our worst hopes are proven to be true love makes every effort to deal with them and move forward. As much as possible love focuses on the positive.
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Jenny Han quote #310 from We'll Always Have Summer

There hadnt been one specific moment. It was like gradualy waking up. You go from being asleep to the space between dreaming and awake and then into consciousness. Its a slow process but when youre awake theres no mistaking it. There was no mistaking that it had been love.
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