Famous Quotes about love

Richelle Mead quote #497 from Shadow Kiss

We cant... he told me.I know I agreed.Then his mouth was on mine again and this time I knew there would be no turning back. There were no walls this time. Our bodies wrapped together as he tried to get my coat off then his shirt then my shirt. ... It really was a lot like when wed fought out on the quad earlier-that same passion and heat. I think at the end of the day the instincts that power fighting and sex arent so different. They all come from an animal side of us. Yet as more and more clothes came off it went beyond just animal passion. It was sweet and wonderful at the same time. When I looked into his eyes I could see without a doubt that he loved me more than anyone else in the world that I was his salvation the same way that he was mine. Id never expected my first time to be in a cabin in the woods but I realized the place didnt matter. The person did. With someone you loved you could be anywhere and it would be incredible. Being in the most luxurious bed in the world wouldnt matter if you were with someone you didnt love.
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Paulo Coelho famous quote #499

Ive been in love before its like a narcotic. At first it brings the euphoria of complete surrender. The next day you want more. Youre not addicted yet but you like the sensation and you think you can still control things.You think about the person you love for two minutes then forget them for three hours. But then you get used to that person and you begin to be completely dependent on them. Now you think about him for three hours and forget him for two minutes. If hes not there you feel like an addict who cant get a fix. And just as addicts steal and humiliate themselves to get what they need youre willing to do anything for love.- By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
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Anaïs Nin quote #61 from The Diary of Anaïs Nin

Man can never know the loneliness a woman knows. Man lies in the womans womb only to gather strength he nourishes himself from this fusion and then he rises and goes into the world into his work into battle into art. He is not lonely. He is busy. The memory of the swim in amniotic fluid gives him energy completion. Woman may be busy too but she feels empty. Sensuality for her is not only a wave of pleasure in which she is bathed and a charge of electric joy at contact with another. When man lies in her womb she is fulfilled each act of love a taking of man within her an act of birth and rebirth of child rearing and man bearing. Man lies in her womb and is reborn each time anew with a desire to act to be. But for woman the climax is not in the birth but in the moment man rests inside of her.
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John Green quote #106 from The Fault in Our Stars

I was blind and heart broken and didnt want to do anything and Gus burst into my room and shouted I have wonderful news And I was like I dont really want to hear wonderful news right now and Gus said This is wonderful news you want to hear and I asked him Fine what is it and he said You are going to live a good and long life filled with great and terrible moments that you cannot even imagine yet
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Paulo Coelho quote #410 from Eleven Minutes

Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time even when theyre not. When two bodies meet it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next or--such is the pleasure they experience--they may never finish it. No eleven minutes for them.
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