Famous Quotes about married-by-morning

Lisa Kleypas quote #287 from Married By Morning

I know Im a bad bargain. But Im begging you to have me anyway. Because I want a chance to make you as happy as you make me. I want to build a life with you.He fought to steady his voice. Please come to me Cat because theres no surviving you. You dont have to love me back. You dont have to be mine. Just let me be yours.
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Lisa Kleypas quote #377 from Married By Morning

You are not a perfect woman.You have an evil temper youre as blind as a mole youre a deplorable poet and frankly your French accent could use some work. Supporting himself on his elbows Leo took her face in his hands. But when I put those things together with the rest of you it makes you into the most perfectly imperfect woman Ive ever known.
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