Famous Quotes about priorities

Elizabeth George quote #291 from Prayers to Calm Your Heart: Finding the Path to More Peace and Less Stress

Exchange the bad habit of worrying with the excellent habit of trusting God.
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Shannon MacLeod quote #90 from Rogue on the Rollaway

You turn the lights on and off here and if you cant sleep and want something to read there are books in the living room her voice broke off. Wait. Can you readHis chin took a slight tilt upward. Aye Faoln replied his voice cool in English Gaelic Latin or French. My Welsh is a bit rusty and I doona remember any of the Greek I was taught except for words not fit for a ladys ears. I can also count all the way up to He looked down and wiggled his large bare toes twenty. Faoln MacIntyre
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Willa Cather quote #22 from The Song of the Lark

However much they may smile at her the old inhabitants would miss Tillie. Her stories give them something to talk about and to conjecture about cut off as they are from the restless currents of the world. The many naked little sandbars which lie between Venice and the mainland in the seemingly stagnant water of the lagoons are made habitable and wholesome only because every night a foot and a half of tide creeps in from the sea and winds its fresh brine up through all that network of shining waterways. So into all the little settlements of quiet people tidings of what their boys and girls are doing in the world bring real refreshment bring to the old memories and to the young dreams.
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