Famous Quotes about priorities

Karen Marie Moning quote #152 from Bloodfever

I dont know where dreams come from. Sometimes I wonder if theyre genetic memories or messages from something divine. Warnings perhaps. Maybe we do come with an instruction booklet but were too dense to read it because weve dismissed it as the irrational waste product of the rational mind. Sometimes I think all the answers we need are buried in our slumbering subconscious int he dreaming. The booklet right there and ever night when we lay our heads down on the pillow it flips open. The wise read it heed it. The rest of us try as hard as we can upon awakening to forget any disturbing revelations we might have found there.
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Hans Urs von Balthasar quote #43 from Prayer

The person who prays and who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the word he desires to worship in order to be more single-mindedly at the words disposal will select with great care basic works for his studies which will observe the so-called exactitude of scholarship without losing sight of the most important exactitude namely the ordering of all thought toward prayer.
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Anne Brontë quote #129 from Agnes Grey

My prayers my tears my wishes fears and lamentations were witnessed by myself and heaven alone. When we are harassed by sorrows or anxieties or long oppressed by any powerful feelings which we must keep to ourselves for which we can obtain and seek no sympathy from any living creature and which yet we cannot or will not wholly crush we often naturally seek relief in poetryand often find it toowhether in the effusions of others which seem to harmonize with our existing case or in our own attempts to give utterance to those thoughts and feelings in strains less musical perchance but more appropriate and therefore more penetrating and sympathetic and for the time more soothing or more powerful to rouse and to unburden the oppressed and swollen heart.
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Todd Stocker quote #268 from Dancing with God: First Year Thoughts on the Loss of My Daughter

In prayer God doesnt guarantee the answer you want but He does guarantee the answer you need.
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Banani Ray quote #491 from World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird

I love the freedom of my wings. I love the empty space above the ground. I rejoice in my freedom. Freedom is my religion. Peace is my God. Love is my worship.
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Roman Payne famous quote #126

She is free in her wildness she is a wanderess a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. Time for her isnt something to fight against. Her life flows clean with passion like fresh water.
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