Famous Quotes about priorities

Awwthentic quote #34 from The Prince and The Fairy

She might not be cinderella to lose her shoe to find her prince or Rapunzel for that matter who will lift him up to set her free only to be lost in him or Snow-white to be kissed and awakened by a Prince or any other princesses but yet she knows she believes her destiny has a Prince in store for her - Her man. She would be his Princess and he would be her prince.
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Vera Nazarian quote #423 from Dreams of the Compass Rose

No Temple made by mortal human hands can ever compare to the Temple made by the gods themselves. That building of wood and stone that houses us and that many believe conceals the great Secret Temple from prying eyes somewhere in its heart of hearts is but a decoy for the masses who need this simple concrete limited thing in their lives. The real Temple is the whole world and there is nothing as divinely blessed as a blooming growing garden.
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Awwthentic quote #107 from The Prince and The Fairy

Her Prince He might not be the handsomest man on earth. Not even the richest one too but he would have the purest of the heart and soul and he will love her with the same purity throughout eternity. He would be her Prince.
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C.S. Lewis quote #40 from Readings for Meditation and Reflection

The most blessed result of prayer would be to rise thinking But I never knew before. I never dreamed.... I suppose it was at such a moment that Thomas Aquinas said of all his own theology It reminds me of straw.
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