Famous Quotes about priorities

Jan Mckingley Hilado quote #88 from Rich Real Radical: 40 Lessons from a Magna Cum Laude and a College Drop Out

When dreams are not clear the results are often as blurred. You wont be able to arrive at your desired destination if you are not certain of where youre going. You have to be able to see clearly and perfectly.
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Richard Flanagan quote #67 from Gould's Book of Fish: A Novel in Twelve Fish

Under the influence of mercury which he administered to himself daily as a salve for his syphilis laudanum which he drank each evening in imprecisely measured amounts to enable him to sleep because of all things this brave man feared only his dreams opiate-enhanced nightmares that gave him no respite which always ended in flames from which he rose phoenix-like just before dawn each morning to recommence building what was already ash.
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Sigmund Freud quote #35 from The Interpretation of Dreams

The dream has a very striking way of dealing with the category of opposites and contradictions. This is simply disregarded. To the dream No does not seem to exist. In particular it prefers to draw opposites together into a unity or to represent them as one. Indeed it also takes the liberty of representing some random element by its wished-for opposite so that at first one cannot tell which of the possible poles is meant positively or negatively in the dream-thoughts.
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Eiry Nieves famous quote #48

At the end of the day when the sun falls a willing prisoner of the night...and humans males and females alike become submitted to the mistress of the dark my mind begins to wander and wonder. Looking upwards at a blank slate of concrete the psyque expresses freely what my subconscious is afraid to give free rein. And there and then between the play of reality and dreamland I find my place. I find myself.
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Stephen King quote #62 from Misery

His so-fucking-vivid imagination rarely gave him the horrors but when it did God help him. God help him once it was warmed up. It was not only warmed up now it was hot and running on full choke. That there was no sense at all in what he was thinking made not a whit of difference in the dark. In the dark rationality seemed stupid and logic a dream. In the dark he thought with his skin.
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