Famous Quotes about priorities

Franz Kafka famous quote #122

Who is it Who walks under the trees of the quay Who is quite lost Who is past saving Over whose grave does the grass grow Dreams have arrived upstream they came. They came they climb up the walls of the quay on a ladder. One stops makes conversation with them they know a number of things but what they dont know is where they come from. It is quite warm this autumn evening. They turn toward the river and raise their arms. Why do you raise your amrs instead of clasping us in them
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Curtis Ackie quote #91 from Goldfish Tears

As though eavesdropping the whistling wind refuses to speak above a whisper. The winding road is cut into the side of the mountain in such a way that it seems they are not making any progress the walk down will require endurance. She looks up at the cluster of clouds which have been pencilled in neatly against the sky and hopes it doesnt rain. It occurs rapidly a geisha brusquely folding shut her fan the sun sets and brilliant darkness replaces light.
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Henry David Thoreau quote #173 from A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

In dreams we see ourselves naked and acting out our real characters even more clearly than we see others awake. But an unwavering and commanding virtue would compel even its most fantastic and faintest dreams to respect its ever wakeful authority as we are accustomed to say carelessly we should never have dreamed of such a thing. Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.
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Wayne Gerard Trotman quote #117 from Veterans of the Psychic Wars

Asleep you can experience many hours whilst only a few waking moments have passed. This is why dreams are an ideal platform for training.
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