Famous Quotes about richard-llewellyn

Richard Llewellyn quote #293 from How Green Was My Valley

Worry my son...I am not worried now and I never have or will. You must learn to tell worry from thought and thought from prayer. Sometimes a light will go from your life...and your life becomes a prayer till you are strong enough to stand under the weight of your own thought again.
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Richard Llewellyn quote #244 from How Green Was My Valley

Prayer is only another name for good clean direct thinking. When you pray think well what you are saying and make your thoughts into things that are solid. In that manner your prayer will have strength and that strength shall become part of you mind body and spirit.
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Richard Llewellyn famous quote #381

It is simple. Men lose their birthrights for a mess of pottage only if they stop using the gifts given them by God for their betterment. By prayer. That is the first and greatest gift. use the gift of prayer. Ask for strength of mind and a clear vision. Then sense. Use your sense. Not all of us are born for greatness but all of us have sense. Make use of it. Think. Think long and well. By prayer and good thought you will conquer all enemies....Behold the night is coming. Prepare for the time is at hand.
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