Famous Quotes about confession

Dietrich Bonhoeffer quote #58 from Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community

Why is it that it is often easier for us to confess our sins to God than to a brother God is holy and sinless He is a just judge of evil and the enemy of all disobedience. But a brother is sinful as we are. He knows from his own experience the dark night of secret sin. Why should we not find it easier to go to a brother than to the holy God But if we do we must ask ourselves whether we have not often been deceiving ourselves with our confession of sin to God whether we have not rather been confessing our sins to ourselves and also granting ourselves absolution...Who can give us the certainty that in the confession and the forgiveness of our sins we are not dealing with ourselves but with the living God God gives us this certainty through our brother. Our brother breaks the circle of self-deception. A man who confesses his sins in the presence of a brother knows that he is no longer alone with himself he experiences the presence of God in the reality of the other person.
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Brother Lawrence quote #107 from The Practice of the Presence of God

When the mind for want of being sufficiently reduced by recollection at our first engaging in devotion has contracted certain bad habits of wandering and dissipation they are difficult to overcome and commonly draw us even against our wills to the things of the earth.I believe one remedy for this is to confess our faults and to humble ourselves before God. I do not advise you to use multiplicity of words in prayer many words and long discourses being often the occasions of wandering. Hold yourself in prayer before God like a dumb or paralytic beggar at a rich mans gate. Let it be your business to keep your mind in the presence of the Lord. If it sometimes wander and withdraw itself from Him do not much disquiet yourself for that trouble and disquiet serve rather to distract the mind than to re-collect it the will must bring it back in tranquility. If you persevere in this manner God will have pity on you.
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